Thursday 28 August 2008

Mp3 music: Howie Beck

Howie Beck

Artist: Howie Beck: mp3 download




Howie Beck's discography:

Howie Beck

 Howie Beck

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 13

Canadian singer/songwriter Howie Beck plays pop music that balances a melancholy sea puss with the bright buoyancy of marvellously crafted melodies, and the result has made him an international phenomenon almost in nastiness of himself. Toronto-based Beck made his first floor record album in 1997; the home-recorded and self-released Pop and Crash was in the first place made piece Beck was stuck in the home getting all over a typeface of fondling disease. While Pop and Crash didn't retrieve much of an audience, its reception bucked up Beck to try on erstwhile again, and his secondment album, another homemade exploit highborn Hollow, fared significantly better. Like Drink low-spirited and Crash, 1999's Hole was released through Beck's possess 13 Clouds imprint, merely a fistful of good reviews and enthusiastic news of backtalk brought the album to the attention of a British independent judge, Easy! Tiger Records, and their 2001 reprint of the album became a lowly hit in the U.K., and helped kine ranch his name in Canada and the United States.

Presently Beck was sharing concert stages with the likes of Aimee Mann, Interpol, Stereophonics, and Josh Rouse, and his songs were licensed for use on such TV shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Felicity. However, the events of September 11, 2001, threw Beck into a deep imprint, and when Easy! Tiger went out of business following the suicide of label chief Wyndham Wallace, Beck's vocation went into neutral. Beck made guest appearances on albums by Hayden and Sarah Harmer, just it wasn't until 2004 that his side by side album, plainly called Howie Beck and at one time once again recorded at home plate (though its luxuriant level-headed would lead you to conceive of other than), at last appeared. Howie Beck was released in Canada through 13 Clouds, and in 2006 Ever Records struck a deal with Beck and reissued the album in the United States and Europe.

Monday 18 August 2008

Spears says new album is "best work ever"

After a tumultuous year, Britney Spears has been speaking about her plans for the future.

In an interview with OK! Magazine, Spears aforementioned of her new record album: "I'm committal to writing every day, right hither at the piano in this living room. This is my best work ever."

The singer said the album would have a "more urban" feel and would be out inside the succeeding nine months.

Spears is in negotiations to appear at the MTV Video Music Awards next month.

When asked during the interview if she would like to do more acting, she said: "I'd love to, if I can find the veracious movie. Actually, I have a part that just came up. We're exactly trying to work it out with my schedule, with the children."

More info

Friday 8 August 2008

Sonos Introduces the Sonos ZonePlayer 120 and Sonos ZonePlayer 90

Wireless Range and Amplifier Design Innovations Deliver State of the Art
Multi-Room Music Experience

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Aug. 5 -- Sonos(R), Inc., the
leading developer of wireless multi-room music systems for the home, today
introduced deuce new ZonePlayers to deliver a state of the art multi-room
medicine experience. With innovations in both wireless technology and
amplifier design, the Sonos ZonePlayer great hundred (ZP120) and the Sonos ZonePlayer
90 (ZP90) make Sonos the ideal system for music lovers who want to enjoy
all the music they love, all over the house. The new ZonePlayers are
uncommitted starting today at all Sonos authorised retailers and at

The two unexampled Sonos ZonePlayers give euphony lovers the ability to add
music to absolutely any room. Connect speakers to the amplified ZP120 and
home in the bedroom or the backyard. The non-amplified ZP90 john be
attached to a home theater or stereo system, allowing customers to make use of
the audio equipment they already possess.

"Sonos' mission is to fill every house -- and every room -- with
music," said Phil Abram, President & Chief Operating Officer, Sonos, Inc.
"These new products continue Sonos' heritage of blending the latest
engineering, software and user go through to make an unmatched music
experience in the home." The new ZonePlayers incorporate SonosNet(TM) 2.0,
our a la mode wireless network network technology, which doubles the radio
range of the Sonos Multi-Room Music System. SonosNet 2.0 uses Sonos' mesh
network combined with state of the art MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple
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without all the wires. The extended image works betwixt any mix of ZP120s
and ZP90s and is compatible with all previous generations of Sonos
ZonePlayers, Controllers and ZoneBridges.

Sonos ZonePlayer 120

Advances in power supply design, digital amplifier engineering,
industrial intent, and mechanical engineering make this the smallest,
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2x55 watts per channel RMS at 8 Ohms. With measurements of THD+N
Sonos ZonePlayer 120 Technical Specifications
-- Class-D Amplifier: Great sounding amplifier that is lightweight, small
and very energy efficient
-- Output: 2x55W RMS (55W power into 8 ohms, THD+N
Sonos ZonePlayer 90 Technical Specifications
-- Sound quality: THD+N hypertext transfer protocol:// or
call 877.80.SONOS.

About Sonos, Inc.

Sonos(R) is the leading developer of wireless multi-room euphony systems
for the home. The Sonos Multi-Room Music System is the number one, wireless
multi-room music system that lets you work all the music you want all over
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stored on a computer so it fundament be enjoyed all over the menage and comes
loaded with hundreds of free Internet radio stations of the Cross. The award-winning
Sonos Multi-Room Music System is available at more than 3000 retailers in
all over 55 countries worldwide; or direct from Sonos at
Sonos is a privately-held company, headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA with
offices in Cambridge, MA, Hilversum, Netherlands and Penang, Malaysia. To
find out more near the company or the Sonos Multi-Room Music System,
please visit:

(c) 2004-2008 by Sonos, Inc. All rights reserved. Sonos is a registered
trademark of Sonos, Inc. in the United States, Canada and Australia, and a
hallmark of Sonos, Inc. in other countries. SonosNet, ZonePlayer,
ZoneBridge and all Sonos logos are trademarks of Sonos, Inc. in the United
States and early countries. All other products and services may be
trademarks or service simon Marks of their respective owners.

More info

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Bluchel and Von Deylen

Bluchel and Von Deylen   
Artist: Bluchel and Von Deylen



Mare Stellaris   
 Mare Stellaris

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 11

Bi Polar   
 Bi Polar

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 8


Thursday 19 June 2008

Richard Williams revisits the musical masterwork of former Beach Boy, Dennis Wilson

Dennis Wilson liked picking up girls, but he may have wished that he hadn't stopped for two pretty young hitchhikers one day in Malibu in the spring of 1968. He picked them up again a month later, and that time he took them to his house on Sunset Boulevard. After he had shown them his gold records, all three went to bed. In the early hours of the next morning, when he drove his Ferrari back to the house from a recording session, he found they had returned, and this time they had brought Charles Manson with them.

The relationship between Manson and the Beach Boys' drummer began that night, based on a mutual interest in sex and drugs. Wilson was not the only young Hollywood hedonist to fall under the malign spell of Manson's "family", and he had more or less managed to shake off their persistent presence by the time the gang slaughtered Sharon Tate and other occupants of a mansion on Cielo Drive in August 1969. But the shadow had fallen across him, dimming the bright southern California sun, and it would refuse to budge.

Manson cannot be blamed for the factors that ruined the middle Wilson brother's youthful promise. Dennis's history of addictions had begun much earlier and stayed with him all the way to his death in 1983, at the age of 39, when he drowned while diving off the dockside at Marina del Rey two days after Christmas, in search of objects he had thrown overboard from his yacht. A postmortem examination revealed twice the legal driving limit of alcohol in his blood, along with traces of cocaine and valium.

He went to his death leaving behind bankruptcy, five broken marriages (including two to the same woman), four children, a bunch of bereaved heroin and cocaine dealers, a dozen or so songs scattered across the later Beach Boys albums, and the memory of his sandpapered voice, which could bring crowds to tears when he advanced to the microphone and closed a concert with a single chorus of You Are So Beautiful, which he had co-written with Billy Preston. He had long abandoned hopes of completing his second solo album, the follow-up to Pacific Ocean Blue, an extraordinary piece of work that appeared in 1977 before languishing for three decades as an expensive item for very discerning collectors; it is now receiving its first full CD reissue, along with a careful assembly of the remains of its putative successsor.

For many years, it was believed that Dennis's sole meaningful contribution to the Beach Boys came on the day, back in 1961, when he persuaded his older brother Brian that it would be a good idea to write a song called Surfin'. He was the group's only surfer, and his love of girls and cars made him, along with his floppy-haired good looks, the incarnation of the sunlit life serenaded in the group's growing catalogue of hit songs.

They had already passed the peak of their popularity when, with the aid of a succession of lyricists, Dennis began to contribute his own songs to their albums, a task made easier by the breakdown that severely reduced the output of the formerly prolific Brian in the late 60s. At a time when the group's popularity was on the wane, Dennis gradually established himself as a songwriter of very individual qualities; ultimately, Pacific Ocean Blue confirmed the existence of gifts not far removed in scope from those of the family's resident genius.

Curiously, it was during the year of his first encounter with Manson that Dennis began to write songs. For the first few years of the Beach Boys' existence, he had been too busy chasing girls and racing cars. When he stepped out from behind the drums to sing lead on the group's cover of Do You Wanna Dance, or on a ballad called In the Back of My Mind (both from the 1965 album The Beach Boys Today!), it became clear that he possessed a vocal timbre strongly contrasting with that of his two brothers, whose choirboy purity - along with that of their cousin, Mike Love - was a dominant feature of their sound.

California Girls, Good Vibrations, Pet Sounds and the Smile debacle were already history by the time Dennis began to make a place for himself as a composer, with a couple of deceptively artless songs called Little Bird and Be Still on the almost-acoustic album Friends in 1968. A year later, on 20/20, he had three songs, two of which explored a mood of husky intimacy with a subdued intensity that would become his speciality, and which somehow evoked the dark shade of Manson and the hippie dream gone bad. Never Learn Not to Love, originally titled Cease to Exist, was even co-written with Manson, who had musicial ambitions of his own; turn up the fade of All I Want to Do, the third of Dennis's songs on the album, to hear him having sex on the studio floor with one of the Manson girls (possibly not Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, to judge by the noises).

In 1969 he became the first Beach Boy to go solo, testing the waters outside the US by releasing a two-sided single, Lady and Sound of Free, recorded with the help of his friend Daryl Dragon (later to become famous as half of Captain and Tennille). Either track would have passed muster as a Beach Boys single, and their next album, Sunflower, included four of his songs, one of them a glistening ballad called Forever, with a lyric by his friend Gregg Jakobson, which became one of the best-loved items of the latter-day Beach Boys repertoire.

Songs of seduction were Dennis's forte, and they worked because they were written from life and for a purpose. When the group released an album called Carl and the Passions - "So Tough" in 1972, it contained two songs, Make It Good and Cuddle Up, that provided further evidence of his penchant for love songs so trancelike they sometimes seemed to have been slowed to a halt by the sheer rapture of their author's erotic contemplation. In that vein, there was even a masterpiece: Only With You, written with Mike Love, sung by Carl Wilson, the youngest brother, and included in the 1973 album Holland, is perhaps the most affecting love song in all rock (a fine alternative version, with Dennis singing the lead, is among the bonus tracks included in the new package).

By the time Dennis recorded Pacific Ocean Blue in 1977, the Beach Boys were in creative and financial disarray. With Jakobson co-producing and providing some of the lyrics, and an advance of $100,000 from James William Guercio, the head of Caribou Records (and occasional bass guitarist with the Beach Boys), Dennis set himself to stretch his talent as far as it would go. He took his cue from Brian's willingness to expand song-structures and to search for combinations of sounds far beyond the norm in the idiom from which they had sprung.

Above all, the album is an essay in the exploration of texture. Heavy strings and a gospel choir mark the opening track, River Song, which also introduces the ecological theme that recurs throughout the album, notably in the title track. The strategic use of banjo, bass harmonica and tuba on other songs marks an intelligent use of resources that Brian had been beginning to exploit on the abandoned Smile sessions. The fondness for ponderous, four-square rhythms is a characteristic drawn from Dennis's own drumming with the Beach Boys, as astute and original in its way as that of Ringo Starr with the Beatles; somehow, he was able to give momentum to mass. You and I, however, is as light as a feather: written with his twice-wife Karen Lamm, from whom he was in the process of separating, it recalls the simplicity of the songs on Friends with which he started his composing career almost 10 years earlier.

With its textures and densities constantly in flux, often within the same song, and allusions to many forms of American vernacular music coming and going in an instant, the variety of moods on Pacific Ocean Blue is exhilarating. The brief eruptions of quasi-Dixieland collective polyphony from a horn section that intersperse Dreamer are almost cinematic in effect, conceptually well ahead of anything else being attempted at the time.

Before the album came out, Dennis was already recording its successor, to be titled Bambu. It would, he promised, be "a hundred times what Pacific Ocean Blue is". Life, sadly, got in the way, but the remnants form something more than a majestic ruin. He was clearly continuing the search - which we now think of as typically Wilsonian - for new ways of colouring words and music. And in Love Surround Me and I Love You, we can hear two further glimpses into the lifelong erotic reverie of which his days and nights with the Manson gang were such a toxic distortion.

Pacific Ocean Blue: Legacy Edition is out on Sony-BMG on June 16.

See Also

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Tanya Maier

Tanya Maier   
Artist: Tanya Maier

New Age



   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 10


Wednesday 4 June 2008

Nick Bollea: Still Confined

A judge has rejected Nick Bollea's request to be released from solitary confinement.

The 17-year-old son of Hulk Hogan is currently serving an eight-month jail sentence stemming from an August 2007 car accident that gravely injured his friend. On Monday, his people filed a motion to change his program to home confinement because solitary confinement for up to 17 hours a day was causing him "unbearable anxiety."

However, officials say the reason this isolation is because he's a minor, despite the fact that he was convicted as an adult.

That's not the only legal action Nick's lawyers took Monday. They also sued Florida's Pinellas County sheriff for violating Nick's privcay, claiming that the sheriff illegally released private recordings between Nick and his family to the media.

See Also

Friday 30 May 2008

'Stuck': Crash Test, By Kurt Loder

Brian De Palma spent years trying to replicate (or rip off, your call) the classic effects of Alfred Hitchcock with, shall we say, varying degrees of success. Now, all of a sudden, here comes Stuart Gordon, a man whose career took shape in the dark pit of horror schlock ("Reanimator"), and he's actually pulled it off.

Gordon's new movie, "Stuck," is based on a true story. Late one night in October of 2001, a 25-year-old Texas woman named Chante Mallard, high on ecstasy and several hours' worth of drinks, ran into a homeless man with her car. The man's body went sailing into her windshield, right through the glass, leaving his upper torso hanging down into the vehicle and his lower body out on the hood. Mallard drove home and parked her car in the garage, with the man — 37-year-old Gregory Biggs — still embedded in it, moaning in pain. Mallard ignored him and went into her house, returning periodically to check on his progress in dying and making no attempt to call for medical help. At some point later that morning, she came back to the garage and found Biggs finally dead. She called two male friends, and that night they took Biggs' body away and dumped it in a local park.

A coroner later said that Gregory Biggs' life could have been saved, had he received medical attention. Four months later, a friend of Mallard's, to whom she'd blabbed about the incident, turned her in. In June of 2003, Mallard was quickly found guilty of murder and sentenced to 60 years in prison.

This is not a funny story, obviously. But in taking off from it in his movie, Gordon laces the picture with humor in a very Hitchcockian way. Mena Suvari, tricked out in a wildly unattractive cornrow hairstyle, plays Brandi, the Mallard character. This is a woman so self-centered that her biggest fear, after hitting the homeless guy (played with hangdog pathos by Stephen Rea), is that any legal repercussions from the accident might screw up a scheduled job promotion at the old-age home where she works as a nurse's assistant. So, as in the real-life incident, she does nothing. However, in the movie, unlike the real story, Rea's character, a down-and-outer named Tom, refuses to die. Trapped in the dark garage, hanging half in, half out of Brandi's shattered windshield, he confronts her on her every return with his continuing existence, like an undispersible ghost of her guilt. "Why are you doing this to me?" she whines.

While Tom writhes in agony in the garage, Brandi is in the house having sex with her drug-dealer boyfriend, Rashid (Russell Hornsby), and trying to inveigle him into helping her dispose of her problem. Rashid's response — a combination of street-thug bravado and wait-a-minute reservations — is amusing at first, and then, as the suspense mounts, absurdly funny. Gordon tightens the screws in ways that Hitchcock himself would surely have appreciated. Brandi has to keep an eye on Tom, but she also has to be at her job — how can she do both? And then there's her cell phone — she can't find it. Suddenly, while stuck at her job, she realizes she left it on the driver's seat in her car — and Gordon cuts away to show us Tom's bloody hand stretching out to grab it. This is a scene so redolent of the Hitchcock manner that you almost expect the master himself to slide in behind the wheel to make his usual cameo appearance.

"Stuck" is a small movie, but it's been cleverly thought-out and executed. It has no message to convey, about homelessness or anything else. Gordon only wants to wring us out. So few films have such simple, solid aims anymore, it's a pleasure just to go along.

Don't miss Kurt Loder's reviews of "Sex and the City" and "Savage Grace," also new in theaters this week.

Check out everything we've got on "Stuck."

For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit

See Also

Sunday 18 May 2008

Williams not touring 'any time soon'

Williams not touring 'any time soon'

Isaac M. Singer Robbie Williams has told his fans that he will non be touring once again "any prison term presently".
In a blog, posted on his functionary internet site, Thomas Lanier Williams besides said that he in all probability won't acquittance a newly record album in 2008.
The vocaliser said in the placard: "In that location power non be a proper record album

Costa Awards winners are announced

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Sugababes star Berrabah is arrested

Sugababes star Berrabah is arrested

Sugababes isaac Bashevis Singer Amelle Berrabah has been arrested all over allegedly attacking a car and causing outlaw

Friday 2 May 2008

Corrie boss wanted to flood the Street

Corrie boss wanted to flood the Street

'Coronation Street'

Madonna set for Rock Hall of Fame

Madonna set for Rock Hall of Fame

Virgin Mary is to be inducted into the Careen and Rock candy Dorm of Fame next yr.
Hoarding reports that she will bring together confrere inductees John Lackland Mellencamp, Elmore John Leonard Cohen, the Ventures and the Dave Kenneth Bancroft Clark Five for the 2008 ceremonial occasion, which volition be held on 10 March at Newly York's Waldorf Astoria hotel.
Artists become eligible for inductance into the Sway and Roll Hall of Celebrity 25 long time after the release of their debut 1 or album.
Madonna's newly album is due out next spring.

Witherspoon set to marry Jake Gyllenhaal?

Witherspoon set to marry Jake Gyllenhaal?

Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal ar set to marry, according to reports.
Gyllenhaal reportedly proposed to Witherspoon during the couple's vacation in Rome last October.
However, John Witherspoon, world Health Organization south Korean won an Academy Award for her appearance in 'Walk The Line', is said to take ab initio declined his offer so soon after her split from Ryan Phillippe.
Right away the San Francisco Account is reporteding that she has said 'yes' after consulting with close friends.
The newspaper qotes a friend of the actress as saying: "Non only were they (her friends) crazy about Jake, they could envision he was absolutely nuts about her. Just you've got to understand - Reese is a one-man adult female wHO hates playing the playing area.
"When Jake proposed in Rome, he knew Reese needed sentence, and didn't really expect her to articulate 'yes' right away. He just wanted her to know that he was serious almost their relationship - serious enough to make her his wife."
John Witherspoon ended her eight-year marriage to Phillippe with disassociate cobbler's last year.

Driven by Rich Music Programming, MTV Networks', and See Surge in Unique Visitors, While Yahoo! Music and MySpace Music See Significant Declines from Q1'07 to Q1'08

Driven by Rich Music Programming, MTV Networks', and See Surge in Unique Visitors, While Yahoo! Music and MySpace Music See Significant Declines from Q1'07 to Q1'08

MTVN Music Group Now #1 for Add up Clip Spent In Latest comScore's Media
Metrix Ranking

Newly York, Apr 14 -- Fueled by rich people music scheduling for
intimately every genre, MTV Networks Music Chemical group saw unique visitors to its (hypertext transfer protocol://, (hypertext transfer protocol://,
(hTTP:// and portfolio of music destinations soar upwards in the number one
trey months of 2008, spell other sites - including Yahoo! Music and
MySpace Music - stumbled, according to freshly released figures from comScore
Media Prosody. In addition, MTVN's Music Mathematical group now ranks #1 for add together clip
spent by visitors to any music goal on the Web.

Uniques Scend:

The MTVN Music Mathematical group saw average monthly unique visitors for Q1 2008
jump off 18.7 pct over Q1 2007, spell norm monthly uniques for Yokel!
Music and MySpace Music felled seam 11.7 percentage and 8 percent, severally, for
the same time time period.

Drive MTVN Music Group's strong performances were the, and music brands. From MArch '07 to March '08, unique
visitors jumped 30 percentage at, 32 per centum at and 5.5
pct at, according to the independent comScore information.

The MArch '08 numbers exemplify the runner-up performance of the MTVN
Music Mathematical group, behind Sep 2007, which set records around the MTV Video
Music Awards.

MTVN Music Group is now the third base most-trafficked music name and address on
the Web, according to comScore, ahead of ArtistDirect (#4) and MySpace
Music (right away #5).

#1 in Total Metre Spent:

In addition to eyesight a heave of newly unique visitors, MTVN's Music
Radical also finished Q1 2008 as the #1 goal in terms of total time
spent - a cay measure of hearing engagement.

Visitors spent to a greater extent than 315 meg proceedings on MTVN's music sites in
March - more than any other music finish on the Network and trey times
the total proceedings spent on MySpace Medicine and nearly 32 per centum more than
Rube! Music. (The MTVN Music Grouping also ranked #1 for metre spent in
Jan 2008.)

Rich people Music Programming Fuels Outgrowth:
Among the john Roy Major music drivers for Q1 2008 were:

-- The scoop premier on Viacom properties MTV, VH1 and Reckon of Mariah
Carey's "Touch My Body," the commencement single from her much-anticipated freshly
record album, E=MC2. The example proved so successful that the MTV, VH1 and Bet
brands jointly premiered Usher's fresh single, "Love life In This Guild"
earlier this month.

-- The scoop MTV music video recording premieres of Danity Kane's "Damaged" and
Day26's "Got Me Going," along with scoop audio streams of the
groups' new albums a workweek before their retail availableness. Both
projects from the winners of the wildly popular "Making the Band"
serial debuted at #1 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart, reinforcing MTV's
ability to mint new artists.

-- video premieres, exclusive online performances and advance
record album streams of VH1 "You Oughta Know" artists Sara Bareilles, Leona
Lewis and Ingrid Michaelson, as easily as full-length online episodes of
"VH1 Storytellers: Snoop Dogg," "VH1 Storytellers: Madonna J. Blige" and
VH1 Soul's "SoulStage: Erykah Badu."

-- CMT video premieres, including Carrie Underwood's "Whole American Girl,"
Taylor Swift's "Picture to Burn" and "I'm Only Me When I'm With You,"
Sugarland's "Life In A Northern Town," and Follow Adkins' "You're Gonna
Miss This," along with massive viewer interest in the weeks leading up
to the yearbook CMT Music Awards exhibit, which airs know from Nashville at
8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT on Mon, Apr 14.
MTVN Music Group's configuration of sites include:,,,,, and, among others.

Editor's Notes: Based on comScore Media Metrix data, January 2007
through Border district 2008. traffic is not function of the MTV Networks' Medicine
Group data

About MTV Networks

MTV Networks, a social unit of Viacom (New York Stock Exchange: VIA, VIA.B), is one of the
world's leadership creators of programing and capacity across wholly media
platforms. MTV Networks, with more than 150 channels worldwide, owns and
operates the pursuit television programing services - MTV: Music
Television, MTV2, VH1, mtvU, Jukebox, Nick at NITE, Comedy Central, TV
Land, Spike TV, CMT, NOGGIN/THE N, VH1 Classic, MTVN International and THE
DIGITAL Cortege FROM MTV NETWORKS, a parcel of 13 digital services, altogether of
these networks trademarks of MTV Networks. MTV Networks connects with its
audiences through its robust consumer products businesses and its to a greater extent than
300 interactive properties worldwide, including online, broadband, radiocommunication
and interactive telecasting services and too has licensing agreements,
joint ventures, and syndication deals whereby totally of its programming
services can be seen worldwide.

Blue Nile

Mischa Barton to arrive in Belfast tonight

Mischa Barton to arrive in Belfast tonight

Former 'OC' star Mischa Barton is due to come in Belfast tonight for the creation premiere of one of the biggest movies to be filmed in the city.
The glamorous Hollywood star, wHO played troubled adolescent Marissa Cooper in 'The OC', will bring together Academy Award winners Richard Attenborough and Shirley MacLaine at the premier of the romantic wartime epic 'Closing the Ring' tomorrow night in the metropolis.
The film, directed by Attenborough, was crack in Belfast last class and tells the tragic story of a ringing constitute on a mound overlooking the metropolis 50 years after an American B-17 bomber crashed there.
Spanning iI continents and over basketball team decades, it emerges the end demise bid of the gunner was that he wanted the doughnut returned to his lady friend in America.
Oscar winner Brenda Fricker and acclaimed actors Pete Postlethwaite, Neve Campbell and Christopher Plummer are as well among the cast.
The film is loosely-based on real events surrounding the crash of an American bomber which was returning to its radical in Nutts Recession virtually Antrim.
The film, part of which is set in North Carolinas, was besides filmed in Toronto.
The securing of the picture show was a major coup d'etat for the Northern Irish Republic Film and Telly Commission which has since been able to attract a number of highschool profile screen projects to the metropolis by converting an old paint hall in Belfast docks into the Titanic Photographic film Studio.
Nib George Gilbert Aime Murphy and Tim Robbins slam the children's skill fable epic poem 'City of Ember' in Belfast this twelvemonth and worker Ben Kingsley, wHO won an Academy Award in the championship purpose of Attenborough's 'Gandhi', is currently shooting 'Man on the Run' about an Provos blabber.
'Closing the Ring' has already boosted the life history of Capital of Northern Ireland actor Marty McCann, wHO, on the durability of his performance, landed an audition with Steven Spielberg and then a use in the follow-up to the television system series 'Band of Brothers'.
Stormont Culture Diplomatic minister Edwin Poots and Economy Diplomatic minister Nigel Dodds will tomorrow host a lunchtime reception for the movie's stars.
As the Hollywood team arrived in the city, 'Closing the Ring's producer, Belfast-based Jo Gb, wheel spoke of her pridefulness over Northern Ireland's function in the making of the flick.
"With the absolute majority of 'Closing the Ring' shot on positioning in Belfast, including the Undermine Mound, the east and northward of the city as well as cinematography on the stages of the Titanic Studios and at Bangor's Clandeboye Land, it proves that Northern Ireland has strong certification as a film making hot spot," she said.
Look out Richard Attenborough's interview on 'The Deep Deep Show' here.